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Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST? LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo PSSupprt SetWindow PSSupprt PSFunc1 PSSupprt PSFunc2 Adobea Premierea Premiere.exe Premiere Please read the following license agreement. Use the scrollbar to view the rest of this agreement.$ Do you accept all the terms of the preceding license agreement? aH If so, click on the Yes push button. If you select No, Setup will close. Software License Agreementb# license.txt! \Premiere\ \Win32App\Premiere\ FileComponents Program FilesA Tutorial FilesA Windows QuickTime FilesA Windows Indeo(R) FilesA Program FilesA Windows QuickTime FilesA Windows Indeo(R) FilesA Tutorial FilesA Adobe Premiere Setupa not a possible choice - SetupTypeA Adobe Setup has enough information to start copying Adobe Premiere files. aF If you want to review or change any settings, click Back. If you are $ satisfied with the settings, click Next to begin copying files. Adobe Premiere v4.2A Adobe Premiere v4.2 Premiere.exe General Creating Program Folder and Icons....& Program Files! Premiere.exe Adobe Premiere 4.2 Tryoutb Adobe Premiere 4.2 Tryoutb WRITE.EXEa PRREADME.WRI$ Premiere Readmeb% UNINST16.EXE UNINST.EXE unInstall Premiereb PSSupprt.DLL Premiere.exe PSSupprt.DLL VMCPD.386 system.inib device( system.iniB. device=*vmcpd system.inib SYSTEM.INI% 386Enha devicea *vmcpd Installation complete. _setup.liba *.bmpA _setup.liba bkgrnd.bmpA _setup32.liba PSSupprt.DLLA SetupA bkgrnd.bmp6 This version of Premiere requires Windows 95 or Windows NTA This version of Premiere requires Windows 95 or Windows NTA This program requires VGA or better resolution.A \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32\TESTa PREM_TESTA DELETE_MEA You are currently no logged into Windows with administrator rights. If you continue with installation some portions of Adobe Premiere will no install correctly. Do you wish continue installing?A \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32\TEST PREM32.PRF" data.za UnInst\UnInst16.exeA data.za UnInst\ctl3d.dllB6 data.za UnInst\UnInst.exeA Windows QuickTime Files! Windows Indeo(R) Files! Program Files! Decompressing program files into b data.za Motion Decompressing motion files into b data.za Motion\*.*B5 Titles Decompressing titles files into b data.za Titles\*.*B5 Plugins Decompressing plug-in files into b data.za Plugins\*.*B5 Decompressing system files into b data.za System\MSVCRT20.DLLB6 Decompressing system files into b data.za System\MSVCRT10.DLLB6 Tutorial Files! Samples Decompressing Samples files into b data.za Samples\*.*A Windows Indeo(R) Files! Decompressing Indeo system files into b data.za System\IR41_32.DLLB6 data.za System\IR32_32.DLLB6 data.za System\IYVU9_32.DLLB6 Windows QuickTime Files! Decompressing QuickTime installer from Apple into b data.za QTW\*.*A Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ data.1a data.1a Drivers\*.*B5 data.1a plugins\*.*B5 data.1a motion\*.*B5 data.1a titles\*.*B5 data.1a samples\*.*B5 Program FilesB data.1a samples\*.*B5 Tutorial FilesB data.1a SYSTEM\I*.*B5 Windows Indeo(R) FilesB data.1a QTW\*.*B5 Windows QuickTime FilesB There is not enough space available, %ld bytes, on the disk Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk Setupb SetupTypeA a TYPICAL a $ Program Files a $ Tutorial Files a $ Run Windows QuickTime Installer a $ Install Intel Indeo(R) Files a COMPACT a $ Program Files a $ Run Windows QuickTime Installer a $ Install Intel Indeo(R) Files a CUSTOM Program Files! a $ Program Files Tutorial Files! a $ Tutorial Files Windows QuickTime Files! a $ Run Windows QuickTime Installer Windows Indeo(R) Files! a $ Install Intel Indeo(R) Files Target DirectoryA b Program FolderA b Program Files! SOFTWARE\a Adobe$ Premiere$ PREM32.INI% CompatibleCodeca IV32a IV31,IV30% PREM32.INI% codeca Keepopena MJPG% PREM32.INI% codeca Cant32Codeca YVU9,YV92% PREM32.INI% AlphaChannelBuga SOFTWARE\a Adobe$ Premiere$ CompatibleCodec IV31,IV30! IV32A IV31,IV30B5 SOFTWARE\a Adobe$ Premiere$ codec MJPG! KeepopenA MJPGB5 YVU9,YV92! Cant32CodecA YVU9,YV92B5 SOFTWARE\a Adobe$ Premiere$ MEMORY 5000! RequiredStartupKBytesA 5000B5 2000! MinRamFreeA 2000B5 Windows Indeo(R) Files! \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32a VIDC.IV41A IR41_32.DLLA Failed to make Drivers32 IR41 registry entry!A \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\drivers.desca IR41_32.DLLA Indeo video interactive R4.1 by IntelA Failed to make drivers.desc IV41 registry entry!A \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32a VIDC.IV32A IR32_32.DLLA Failed to make Drivers32 IV32 registry entry!A \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\drivers.desca IR32_32.DLLA Indeo video R3.2 by IntelA Failed to make drivers.desc IV32 registry entry!A \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32a VIDC.IV31A IR32_32.DLLA Failed to make Drivers32 IV31 registry entry!A \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32a VIDC.YVU9A IYVU9_32.DLLA Failed to make Drivers32 YVU9 registry entry!A \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\drivers.desca IYVU9_32.DLLA Indeo video Raw YVU9 by IntelA Failed to make drivers.desc YVU9 registry entry!A SYSTEM.INI% drivers32a VIDC.IV41a ir41_32.dll% SYSTEM.INI% drivers32a VIDC.IV32a ir32_32.dll% SYSTEM.INI% drivers32a VIDC.IV31a ir32_32.dll% SYSTEM.INI% drivers32a VIDC.YVU9a iyvu9_32.dllQ \System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaResources\icm\vidc.IV41a DescriptionA Indeo video interactive R4.1 by IntelA Failed to make 1st IV41 registry entry!A \System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaResources\icm\vidc.IV41a DriverA ir41_32.dllA Failed to make 2nd IV41 registry entry!A \System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaResources\icm\vidc.IV41a FriendlyNameA Indeo video interactive R4.1 by IntelA Failed to make 3rd IV41 registry entry!A \System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaResources\icm\vidc.IV32a DescriptionA Indeo video R3.2 by IntelA Failed to make 1st IV32 registry entry!A \System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaResources\icm\vidc.IV32a DriverA ir32_32.dllA Failed to make 2nd IV32 registry entry!A \System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaResources\icm\vidc.IV32a FriendlyNameA Indeo video R3.2 by IntelA Failed to make 3rd IV32 registry entry!A \System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaResources\icm\vidc.IV31a DescriptionA Indeo video R3.2 by IntelA Failed to make 1st IV31 registry entry!A \System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaResources\icm\vidc.IV31a DriverA ir32_32.dllA Failed to make 2nd IV31 registry entry!A \System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaResources\icm\vidc.IV31a FriendlyNameA Indeo video R3.2 by IntelA Failed to make 3rd IV31 registry entry!A \System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaResources\icm\vidc.YVU9a DescriptionA Indeo video Raw YVU9 by IntelA Failed to make 1st YVU9 registry entry!A \System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaResources\icm\vidc.YVU9a DriverA iyvu9_32.dllA Failed to make 2nd YVU9 registry entry!A \System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaResources\icm\vidc.YVU9a FriendlyNameA Indeo video Raw YVU9 by IntelA Failed to make 3rd YVU9 registry entry!A AdobePremiere.Document\CLSIDP AdobePremiere.Document\shell\open\commandP Premiere.exe$ AdobePremiere.Document\DefaultIconP Premiere.exe AdobePremiere.PPJ\CLSIDP AdobePremiere.PPJ\shell\open\commandP Premiere.exe$ AdobePremiere.PPJ\DefaultIconP Premiere.exe,9 AdobePremiere.PPJQ AdobePremiere.PTL\CLSIDP AdobePremiere.PTL\shell\open\commandP Premiere.exe$ AdobePremiere.PTL\DefaultIconP Premiere.exe,13 AdobePremiere.PTLQ AdobePremiere.PLB\CLSIDP AdobePremiere.PLB\shell\open\commandP Premiere.exe$ AdobePremiere.PLB\DefaultIconP Premiere.exe,6 AdobePremiere.PLBQ AdobePremiere.PBL\CLSIDP AdobePremiere.PBL\shell\open\commandP Premiere.exe$ AdobePremiere.PBL\DefaultIconP Premiere.exe,8 AdobePremiere.PBLQ AdobePremiere.EDL\CLSIDP AdobePremiere.EDL\shell\open\commandP Premiere.exe$ AdobePremiere.EDL\DefaultIconP Premiere.exe,3 AdobePremiere.EDLQ AdobePremiere.PSQ\CLSIDP AdobePremiere.PSQ\shell\open\commandP Premiere.exe$ AdobePremiere.PSQ\DefaultIconP Premiere.exe,12 AdobePremiere.PSQQ AdobePremiere.FLM\CLSIDP AdobePremiere.FLM\shell\open\commandP Premiere.exe$ AdobePremiere.FLM\DefaultIconP Premiere.exe,12 AdobePremiere.FLMQ AdobePremiere.AIFL\CLSIDP AdobePremiere.AIFL\shell\open\commandP Premiere.exe$ AdobePremiere.AIFL\DefaultIconP Premiere.exe,11 AdobePremiere.AIFLQ Setup is complete. You may register your copy of Adobe Premiere a/ electronically from your computer at this time. Click Finish to complete Setup.( QTInstal.EXE QTWA" PSSupprt.DLL PSSupprt.DLL Setup is Complete! Thank you for choosing Adobe Premiere! Adobe Premiere Setupb -REGSERVER vshare.386R device=vshare.386 system.inib device=vshare, system.inib SYSTEM.INI% 386Enha devicea vshare.386 Prefs\Prem32.ini Premierea PremiereDirectoryb RegFiles\PipeDlg.dat% REGISTERa 1434b RegFiles\PipeDlg.dat% REGISTERa RegFiles\PipeDlg.dat% REGISTERa RegFiles\PipeDlg.dat% REGISTERa RegFiles\PipeDlg.dat% REGISTERa RegFiles\PipeDlg.dat% REGISTERa _ISRES! edit( SETUPSTR862R# Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorb$ _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! 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